Oct 9th 2019, La Paz Bolivia. Macrodistroto Sur.
El Teatro Nuna, continues growing and in the next few weeks it will be giving artists the chance to express themselves past the point of showcasing and learning.
After a sold out show, the party continued at #NunaFest2019, many of the attendees got to meet new rooms and spaces. I was one of them, and after seeing the changes I felt inspired and pumped! Behind the face of El Teatro, there is 1 man with a whole lot of army, Luis Daniel, he is a fucking ACE at getting things done and it shows (no pun intended)! The impact he makes in Bolivias Culture goes beyond many peoples simple thoughts, by bringing International & National artist to premium productions in La Paz. Daniel or better known as LuisDa worked countless hours, behind and in front of the scenes, he has put up a wall full of anecdotes many funny and true stuff that’s happened in the theater before.
El Nuna primes are the Show Productions, the Tango Lessons and really tasty pizza. Now, with the new remodelations it will count with: a Lounge Area, A rehearsing room and a Studio room. I know, I’ll be taking advantage of!
The legendary Bolivian icon “El Pocholo” was a guest in the #NunaFest2019 party, meets Andy Pacheco and sends his greetings to the fans!